These 007 foods are either self-made by us or eaten in the restaurants. These foods can be seen in the James Bond movies, or they have been mentioned in the 007 books (except "007 Bond burger", "007 Burger with French fries", "007: Medium size popcorn and large drink" "Bollinger Spectre 007 - menu", "James Bond Menu", "James Bond spaghetti" and "Porridge with honey", which is Roger Moore related). Try them yourself, enjoy!
007 Bond burger
007 Burger with French fries
007: Medium size popcorn and large drink
A feast of fresh scrambled eggs, a plate of assorted fruit, and yoghurt
A pint of Jack Daniels and a double portion of eggs Benedict
Beef Wellington, new potatoes, asparagus and beets
Bollinger Spectre 007 - menu
Bowls of oatmeal
Bowl of udon
Bowls of udon and hot broth mixed with fried soybean curd
Breakfast of Bond: Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and marmalade
Breakfast of eggs and yogurt
Brunch with the kipper and kedgeree
Chicken curry with rice, served with bottled sparkling water
Chicken stew, a grey gummy pasty, a pile of old peas and watery cooked potatoes
Chopped hard-boiled-eggs, with a cream and cheese sauce laced with English mustard
Club sandwich
Curry chicken in Indian style with a mouthful of red wine
Dhal bhati
Fine Japanese meal and Ginjo sake
Fish soup made with plenty of lemon-juice, and half a dozen each of the admirable little quail-sized birds
Fish stew, beans and rice
Fresh bread and goat cheese with red wine
Fried eggs and sausages
Greek salad with bread and cheese and Taittinger Champagne
"James Bond" Menu
"James Bond" spaghetti
Karelian hot pot / stew
Light breakfast of eggs and toast
Oeufs Benedict and strawberries with Vodka Martini
Old chewy beef and watery potatoes as well as slimy pile of greyish beans
Onion bhajjis, Lamb Korma with Bombay potatoes, chapatis and a mix of relishes ranging from mango chutney to cucumber raita, finishing with plates of sticky sweet Jalebi
Pâté Maison, Oeufs Gloria and cheese tray
Patlican Kebabi
Pork and sherry
Porridge with honey
Roast beef, new potatoes and fresh peas with white wine and coffee
Roasted chicken with steamed carrots, potatoes and spring greens with apple pie
Salad by P.J. Clark, cold pheasant, strawberries and cream with champagne
Salade Nicoise
Scrambled eggs with American hickory-smoked bacon, toast and coffee
Scrambled eggs with coffee
Scrambled eggs with tomato juice
Smoked herring, dark bread and coffee
Sushi breakfast
Traditional dhal bhat, a lentil soup over rice
Two cups of coffee, one egg and slices of toasts with Cooper's Vintage marmalade
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